DeepMind Revenue and Growth Statistics (2024)
Key DeepMind client details. Remembers information for income, benefit, acquisitions, number of workers, from there, the sky is the limit.
Google DeepMind (previously known as DeepMind) has not recently given the world advancement simulated intelligence innovations, as AlphaGo, AlphaFold, AlphaDev, AlphaStar, and AlphaCode yet has likewise brought forth AlphaLeader - another type of tech business visionaries that are tackling certifiable issues, and are frequently alluded to as find out about DeepMind Mafia.
Established in 2010, DeepMind was begun by Demis Hassabis, Shane Legg, and Mustafa Suleyman, and was subsequently gained by Google in 2014. As of late it got rebranded as Google DeepMind. The exploration lab is prevalently known for uniting elite artificial intelligence ability.
Throughout the course of recent years alone, near 200 previous DeepMind representatives have constructed their new businesses in artificial intelligence, blockchain, life science, environment tech, energy, and others. They have likewise effectively raised huge number of dollars from financial backers, some have transformed into financial backers, and a couple of them are working in covertness mode.
Amazing Facts About DeepMind
The month to month guests to deepmind.com surpassed 2.5 million as of January 2023. DeepMind's income significantly increased from £265.5 million out of 2019 to £826.2 million of every 2020, coming to £889,4 million out of 2021. Following quite a long while, DeepMind created its most memorable gain of £43.8 million ($59.6 million) in 2020. Starting around 2022, there were 1,567 individuals working for DeepMind.
DeepMind's staff compensation costs expanded from £467 million to £473 million. The US (16.19%) has the most guests to deepmind.com followed by guests from India (6.07%) and the Assembled Realm (5.95%).
Overview About DeepMind
DeepMind is a division of Letter set, Inc. answerable for creating universally useful man-made brainpower (AGI) innovation. That innovation is otherwise called Google DeepMind. DeepMind involves crude pixel information as information and gains as a matter of fact.
How much is DeepMind worth? (Valuation)
The organization was valued at $99 million preceding 2014, and $500M+ following Google Inc's. procurement of DeepMind Innovations. From that point forward, DeepMind's valuation has been hidden from the overall population.
DeepMind Revenue
DeepMind's income significantly increased from £265.5 million out of 2019 to £826.2 million of every 2020, coming to £889,4 million out of 2021.
2021 £889,4 million || 2020 £826.2 million || 2019 £265.5 million || 2018 £103 million || 2017 £54.4 million || 2016 £40.3 million
DeepMind Profit
Following quite a long while, DeepMind created its most memorable gain of £43.8 million ($59.6 million) in 2020.
2022 £102 million || 2021 £100 million || 2020 £43.8 million || 2019 -£548.8 million || 2018 -£548.8 million
We're referencing 'After serveral' years on the grounds that, as you can find in the table above, DeepMind used to not be productive in 2019 and 2018, with over £500 million being lost every year.
DeepMind Funding
DeepMind has brought $3.29 million up in its most memorable round of financing. This was a Series A round raised on February 23, 2011, preceding the consolidation/procurement with Letters in order, then, at that point, Google Inc., for $650 million out of 2014.
DeepMind Investors
DeepMind is subsidized by 2 financial backers. Organizers Asset and Skylines Adventures are the latest financial backers.
Organizers Fund Series A - DeepMind || Skylines Adventures Series A - DeepMind
How does DeepMind make money?
All generally, DeepMind has an extremely particular income model: preceding being obtained by Google in 2014, it made its cash by selling the innovations it created to organizations and organizations. As of now, DeepMind produces income by involving its innovation in other Letters in order drives.
What software does DeepMind use?
DeepMind utilizes AlphaGo, a PC program that joins progressed search trees with profound brain organizations. As an info, these brain networks process a portrayal of the Go board through various organization layers containing a huge number of neuron-like associations.
How many neurons does DeepMind AlphaGo have?
In 2016, Google's DeepMind had 11 billion neurons, however this number has since expanded. As per information disclosed for AlphaGo Zero, AlphaZero's harbinger in the go-playing game, the brain organization could have up to 80 layers and over two times the 16 billion neurons.
What Technology Does DeepMind Use?
DeepMind involves crude pixel information as information and gains for a fact. The computer based intelligence utilizes profound learning on a convolutional brain organization, with a sans model support learning strategy called Q-learning.
What types of AI products and technologies does DeepMind offer?
DeepMind Innovations' central goal, as expressed on the organization site, is to "incorporate the best strategies from frameworks neuroscience and AI to build hearty universally useful learning calculations.
Frequently Asked Questions!
Is Google DeepMind profitable?
DeepMind creates income from selling administrations inside the Letters in order Gathering, as well as through outside agreements for example, an organization with England's Public Wellbeing Administration. It's been productive starting around 2020 yet saw its edges pressed in its most recent organization accounts.
How does Google DeepMind work?
DeepMind involves crude pixel information as information and gains as a matter of fact. The simulated intelligence utilizes profound learning on a convolutional brain organization, with a sans model support learning method called Q-learning.
Is DeepMind a good company?
Google DeepMind has a general rating of 4.5 out of 5, in view of north of 154 audits left secretly by workers. 97% of representatives would prescribe working at Google DeepMind to a companion and 90% have an uplifting perspective for the business. This rating has diminished by - 2% throughout the course of recent months.
Does Google own DeepMind?
Their initial triumphs were in preparing their man-made intelligence models to figure out how to play exemplary games like Atari, Pong, and Space Trespassers. Google procured the organization in 2014, and it's presently an auxiliary organization of Letters in order.